Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fiesta Days Fun

Spanish Fork City celebrates Fiesta Days and as family traditions go we partied down. (Dave was in Germany and missed out on all of the fun.) First, Gramps and Granny took Tess to the carnival and she LOVED it!

Tess throwing a fit, she did not want to get off of the motorcycle ride.
The morning after the carnival Grandma Thomas and I got up super early to run the "Speedy Spaniard 10k. We both did super awesome! I ran it in 1 hr. 3 min. and Grandma ran it in 1 hr. 7 min. My mom and dad were super cute and made signs to hold while they cheered for me at the finish line.
After the run we watched the parade, Barbequed at Great Grandma Swenson's, then finished the day with the rodeo and fireworks.
Tess got new cowgirl boots and Wranglers for the rodeo and I was so excited to get some pics to send to Dave in Germany. But, Tess would not cooperate and needless to say the boots never made it in the pictures. Oh well, picture or no picture she was the cutest cowgirl at the rodeo. (Atleast to me)Great Grandpa and Grandma Swenson work really hard to make Fiesta Days fun for our family and we have a great time every year. We love them both so much!


Sabrina said...

YAY!!!! You are awesome!! You did it and ran. I knew you could do it my friend. I have been trying to run out here and there are soo many hills, it kills! Looks like you are having soo much fun. Please, call me when you are in Utah so we can meet for a play date. Your family is always welcome to stay a night with us too!!! Miss you. Love your pics. Tess is getting soo big and looking less like a baby and more like a big girl each time I see her. Talk with you soon!

Kayla said...

Good Job on the Run Linds! You ROCK!